Tag Archives: swimwear

Protect Your Eyes with the Right Goggles

Swim goggles

Have you ever taken a giant leap in a pool and accidentally opened your eyes while under water? If so, you will likely never forget the stinging sensation that hit your eyes the moment they touched the chlorinated water. However, did you know that chlorine could actually damage your eyes – sometimes even permanently? According […]

Women’s Swimsuits: Picking the One That’s Right for You

swim suits dayton

Have you ever had the dream where you are standing in front of an audience giving a presentation at school or work when you suddenly discover you forgot to get dressed? Looking down, you discover in horror that you are completely naked! The thought of publically exposing oneself is the stuff of nightmares; however, in […]

8 Reasons Why Swimming is a Valuable Sport

From life-skill to sport, swimming is a sport that teaches valuable, life-long lessons. The initial investment of swimming—time, effort, commitment, equipment costs—yields a great return. According to the Fitbit Activity Index, swimming is the No. 3 fitness activity for all ages in Great Britain, No. 4 in Australia, and No. 7 in the United States. […]